I completed a couple of pointless drawings as practice and thought they were rather good for me. Without further ado...

Did you admire the wings in the second panel? If not, go admire them, dammit. They took me two hours to draw and shade.
I was really disappointed in how the coloring looks. I spent a lot of time shading and coloring carefully. But, since our scanner has a personal vendetta against me, it tends to give everything a sickly grey color. Even though I cleaned it on photoshop, it still looks off.
Oh well, I tried. I almost gave myself a nosebleed drawing it as it was.
When I scanned it the first time, I noticed something weird. The cartoon on the next page was showing up, too! I was like... What the L? No seriously... it's L. I'll post it later :P Anyway, I had to put a sheet of paper between all the pages.
The hiragana is just cawing and howling so don't freak out thinking you've missed something...
Well. There you have it. Practice one-shot number one. No applause. Just send cash. Really, I need cash...
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