Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some things never change

Some things stay good, like God, love, and cheesy chili burritos. Other things stay sucky, like government, love, and Murphy's Law. Yet, whichever way you look at it, some things just stay the same.

After all this time on Facebook, I've just now managed to track down a handful of my old friends and classmates from the elementary/junior high days. To those few of you who don't remember life before Facebook, it used to be really sad to leave school because you'd lose all of your friends. When I was a kid, we didn't HAVE cell phones or social networking. Good lord, that makes me feel old :|

I was so happy to find those that I have, though. My PCCA days were so free and easy compared to adult life and I rather enjoy looking at their names and reminiscing about when stepping in the mud after a rain was the absolute worst thing that could happen to me.

So what has stayed the same?

ALL MY OLD FRIENDS ARE STILL PRETTIER THAN ME!!!!! It's so not faaaaair. They could be like models or something! How is it possible that all the prettiest girls in the town wound up in the same place?!?! And then stayed that way! C'mon, throw me a bone or something!

I sound shallow. Really, I don't mean for it to be that way at all. I'm really quite proud to have such smart, pretty, and successful friends and classmates. When we were all together in school, we never thought about that kind of stuff. Looking back at where we all were and where we are now has made me really thankful for knowing them all then because they're so out of my league now. They're all in college -- I'm a flunky. They're all normal -- I'm bizzare and unstable. They're all going somewhere in life -- I'm a singer whose dreams are larger than her talent. It's sad for me, but I'm so happy for all of them!

Maybe a few more years down the road and we can have an official reunion and talk about everything we've done or HAVEN'T done, in my case. I think I would like that.


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"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw