Saturday, February 27, 2010

The path to becoming a cannibal

This will probably be a really short post, but I just felt like writing something. Aren't you special?
I have noticed myself developing a really bad habit over the last few months. I discovered that I subconsciously nom on my hand, finger, or arm. There is no telling how long I've been doing this since I just recently caught myself.

How could I bite myself and not notice, you wonder? Well, I have an abnormally high pain tolerance. I mean, there are times I border on CEPA. I can slice my leg open, slam my body into walls, and apparently chew vigorously on my appendages without ever feeling any pain. I noticed the new habit the same way I notice just about all of my unintentional injuries-- there was mysterious blood seeping from my hand. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was coming from obvious bite marks oops.

I'm beginning to think I suffer from cannibalistic tendencies. I know it's not vampire cuz I'm not biting and then sucking. With that out of the way, it HAS to be cannibalism. I only wanna nom. And nom I do. I wrote this because I was listening to music and thinking about a drawing and realized I was chomping away on my index finger again. Typing, fortunately, keeps me from doing it.

I wonder if I should see a shrink.

In other news, in honor of Soren-san returning home, I completed an elaborate drawing featuring him and Rollin-san! I shall have to wait until Monday to post it, though, because I won't have access to a scanner before then. You should look forward to it since I so rarely complete drawings and even more rarely post them I really suck.

Try to contain your excitement. Really.


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"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw