Skipping over the usual Thursday stuff, which is always great, I'll move right on to the Parabelle concert.
It didn't start off too great because the show itself didn't start until 10 PM when the paper said it would start at 9. So for an hour and fifteen minutes -- since I always arrive early for parking and standing space -- I sat and watched the basketball game on the big screen of the bar. Alone. Probably looking like a moron. When 9:30 rolled around, I seriously considered leaving. I was that frustrated.
Thank God I didn't. Sometimes being a superfan pays off in the end.
After an awesome local band opened up, Parabelle finally took the stage. I was, as usual, right up front ready to out-headbang every one of the members of the band. Little background, I am beloved by bands everywhere because I have no shame in dancing and head-banging with the big boys. In fact, I am usually the one who gets the crowd going. Just a small service I perform that usually gets me free stuff after the show.
Anyway, the concert.
Being the energy bubble I am at shows, the band members usually get encouraged to play with the crowd-- mostly me. At a Hawk Nelson show a few years back, the bassist came down off the stage and danced with me. At Parabelle, the beyond kickass (and gorgeous) guitarist, Kyle, would come to the edge of the stage, kneel down, and sing with me. Or fistbump. I absolutely love it when they play with me. Makes me feel like I'm part of it instead of just watching it.
In addition, during the first song ("The Pursuit" yay for old EB material!), bassist Chris got nailed in the head by a guitar and started pouring blood everywhere. Don't worry, he was ok. After all, it's not rock&roll until someone bleeds. He just covered it and kept playing, though his poor bass got the short end of the stick. The strings were totally red and bloodied by the time he was finished. It was cool visually, but I feel for the bass.
Kevin's voice is flawless in person and the new, unreleased songs they played whetted my appetite for their new album. I asked Kyle about it later, but he said they're only doing preliminary recording right now. Sadface. I guess I'll have to wait. But I'll be one of the first to order! Mark my words!
Like all good things, it had to come to an end. Although, to be honest, if it hadn't, my head prolly would have fallen off. I'm actually writing this with a heating pad on my upper back and neck because I can barely move them. Totally worth it, though. Anyway, like I always do, I had to go around and talk to the band. I cornered Kevin first since he's like my lyrical idol. He was really distant. It was weird. Usually, bands are really chatty to the fans, but he wasn't. Maybe he was intimidated by Texans. Who knows. But I did get him to sign my new Parabelle shirt.
In the end, only Kevin and Kyle signed my shirt, but that's ok cuz I already have the CD autographed...
Right now, I am very sore and very tired, but happier than I've been in over a year. I don't even think I'll regret being sore in the morning.
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