Friday, March 5, 2010

They don't know what they're getting into

Men don't, I mean.

They really don't. They get it in their heads that they're interested in me without even knowing me. Like, today, I was working at the local Home and Garden show with the parents/bosses to promote our business and the guy in the booth across from us kept looking like he had something he reaaally wanted to say. My mother looked at me and said bluntly "If he asks you out, don't be mean to him."

We have this conversation regularly, though she never seems to get the memo that I WON'T be mean as long as they aren't being overconfident asses about it. I'll just politely turn them down and go on my way. If they ARE being asses, though... Hell hath no fury like me when annoyed by some guy who thinks he could own a harem.

Part of why I love being a "goth" so much I hate labels, but according to society, that's what I am is that people think twice before messing with me. I still get looks, but they're more "clear the way" looks than interested looks.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I DID accept a date offer. I would want a hidden camera because it would be pretty amusing. What are your hobbies? Uh... reading horror novels or manga, making gothic-period jewelry, and listening to symphonic metal. What is your ambition? Travel all over the world with a band and live a no-ties, free-spirited lifestyle. Do you have any close friends? Sort of, they're two muses named Soren and Rollin they don't like your haircut, by the way.

Or something like that.

Fortunately, other-booth-guy hasn't said anything yet. To prevent this, I'm gonna break from the "professional" wardrobe I attempted today and go back to my comfy black garb, despite my poor mother's protests. I'll feel much more confident anyway. I kept getting told I looked like Sarah Palin today it was the glasses. Though I respect Palin, I'd rather not look like a 40-yr-old while I'm still 20. No offense and all that. That's just not me.

P.S. I have been experimenting with backgrounds obviously and I think I finally found one I really love. It gives me lovely chills and makes me feel peaceful all at the same time.


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"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw