I haven't made a post in awhile, but I haven't finished any projects lately. I took the weekend early this week and started on Friday to give myself a three day weekend. As you may recall, I take my weekends off quite seriously. I don't do anything brain related, and that includes art.
I mostly play the Sims. Yes, I love the Sims. It gives me insight into how God must feel when we do things that make no sense and ruin our own lives in ten seconds or less. Well... that and they just make me laugh.
Although, when my first chapter of my manga is finished, you can thank the Sims for knocking me out of my writer's block. While playing through as the characters of the story, the Sims' utter lack of common sense gave me some hysterical ideas. PS, I will include the manga in both traditional Japanese AND English reading formats for my less manga-experienced peeps.
So I guess technically you can call it research?
Christine is worried that her dress makes her butt look big.
Melody can't figure out why there's no ceiling in an underground room (walls down lol)

Ok, I'll stop nerding myself out.
Well, except for this: While Onemanga closed its scans for good, other manga hosting sites are still going strong. So if you want to keep reading your manga, check out mangastream.com and bleachexile.com -- we've still got them, at least for now.
Ok, now I'm done nerding.
I don't know when I'll get to work on my own stuff, though. I have several portrait commissions that I need to start on, which is cool. Also, my art classes start tomorrow. I need to get some material drafted up for the first class. I have to cover a lot in just one hour because I really want to get the technical stuff out of the way as quickly as possible so they can start playing with their own creativity. Art is 15% technique and 85% practice.
Which reminds me -- I'll be picking up my Showcase posts again next Saturday, but instead of using pro artists, I'm going to be posting my students' work. I will still post pro's work if I run across something that inspires me, but I really want to give my kids the affirmation of getting their work published. It'll be on my deviantART, as well, so you can't really miss it.
I'm also not going to the convention this year. Too much overhead needed and not enough time to get it all together AND get enough art done to make it worth it. So I'll try again next year! Plus, it would be cool to be able to sell my first self-published manga volume there as well. If I could do one chapter a month, that would be awesome.
I had the mother of all headaches on Saturday. I don't know why I'm telling you that :|
Maybe cause I'm out of stuff to say.
That's all, folks!