Friday, November 12, 2010

The most frustrating WIP update ever

Though it might look much improved, I actually worked on this for an additional four hours that achieved nothing. Why? Because Photoshop decided that it didn't want to stay open for longer than five minutes without immediately crashing. So I'd opencloseopencloseopenclose for hours and hours until I had to go beat the metal door at work to death to keep from throwing my computer across the room. The problem was that the image itself was so large, any additional color or effort to work would cause it to crash. So after fighting it, I finally managed to slowly resize it one piece at a time, saving in between to circumnavigate the crashes, until I got it scaled 50% and made it workable again. Then I got busy.

Although, in order to make this work, I had to completely flatten the sketch from 12 layers to 1. So I have to paint directly on top of it, thus causing the weird look it has now. But I'll adjust that as I go.

After that, I went home and brutalized my way through several armies in Fire Emblem and felt much better.

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"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw