Friday, October 22, 2010

WIP day 3 - The Dragon Queen

I didn't have a lot of time to work on this today. I mainly just focused on the hair. I deleted the crown and started a tiara made of finger bones, but it looked a little off. So I deleted that, too. But since I like the finger bones idea, I added Chinese sticks to the bun in her hair and I'm going to paint them like the bones. I'll also probably drape some gold chains and beads around in her hair to make it more interesting.

I started blending the armor, but didn't get very far. Most of that time was taken up by researching good armor painting techniques, like this armor tutorial from IDG-sensei. He's so awesome. I love him *almost* as much as I love Kubo-sama and that is quite a bit XD

LOL layer line. I just noticed it. Call it a watermark.

Oh, and I moved the body/arm down and to the left just a hair. I thought she looked a little squatty and it wasn't working for me. Ah, the magic of digital art.

I actually want to paint my mom a big traditional painting of a sakura branch, since she liked the one in the store so much. If anyone has any tips on traditional color blending, I'd love to hear them! I'm pretty much exclusively a digital artist, so I'm a noob at "real" painting.


  1. I definitely like the sticks better than the thingy in her hair from the last post. Looks good!

  2. Yeah, what kind of a hard core fighting chick with armor wears a tiara anyway? haha! Well I'm no pro, but I think it looks cool.


"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw