Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm the worst blogger ever.

More like the worst artist ever XD

That portrait commission still has me bummed. I hate failing. So I haven't been working on anything remotely art related in a long time. I spent all the time I normally spend on painting on over 240 hours of Oblivion. <-- That is epic nolifesville, that is. I have also become re-addicted to Bleach now that the promise of FINALLY getting to the last battle is on the horizon. Although I will hate to see it end, knowing Kubo-sensei, it will be another two years before the battle is finished XD Normally, I would hate to admit all that, but it was my nerdy happiness that made me brush the dust off my tablet and draw a comic strip.

Painting is a no-go. I feel like I've hit a wall. I'm not really seeing anymore improvement and that's slowing me down. Where before, every piece was leaps and bounds greater than the last, I just don't see that anymore. Not to mention, I've been trying to improve my speed a little. Bah...

Planning to go aaaaall the way back to my hometown this fall to go to the Renaissance Festival with my dear friend that I knew since I was five (or four, don't remember lol), but lost contact with in high school. I love the Ren Fest XD

And that's it! Aren't you glad I took the time to write about nothing???

1 comment:

  1. Awwww sorry your art is frustrating you. Even though you wrote about "nothing" I still love reading what you write! Lurvins!


"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw