Sunday, April 11, 2010

What I love about Sundays

Unless we're just too exhausted to even get out of bed, my mom and I go shopping every Sunday. Mostly we just window shop, but occasionally we're really out to find something, and today was one of those days.

We've both been in desperate need of a wardrobe makeover, mom because she lost weight and me because my style intensified since the last time we went update-shopping. However, money's really tight right now and we couldn't spend a lot. So I suggested we go to Savers. Savers is a massive, outlet-mall sized thrift store here in town that's actually fairly nice. I love it. You can get fair quality stuff for $2-$5 and they have lots of vintage stuff that I love XD

Even though I walked into the dressing room with a full handful of hangers dresses, skirts, tops, anything I could find I only actually left the store with a dress, two skirts, and four shirts. But that was that much more added to my poor empty wardrobe. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that I'm an in-between size. Mediums are too small look like they're painted on my body >.< and larges are too large. So I had a hard time finding things that fit. I DID manage to get ahold of an ankle length purple silk skirt with sakura flowers on it for $3 though yay!

I also got a silver and black carved Victorian style candlestick. I'm very proud of it.

We went to a craft mall after that so I could buy the feather-thingy I've been wanting for a long time. It's impossible to explain the feather thingy, so I'll have to show it to you:

I'd been in there three times since I saw it originally, but I'd never sucked up my wallet and bought it. I just love that thing. It's totally unique.

But when I went to get it today, I couldn't find it! I started getting really depressed and having a fit about how I couldn't believe anyone besides me would even want that thing! The people I tried to describe it to said it was either scary or weird. So who would want it but me?

Then I saw it hidden in a corner and calmed down. Apparently, they had to hide it because it was scaring the customers.

OH! Also at the store, I found these two awesome "genie bottles." I got to wondering if muses were the same material as genies, because, if so, the bottles could be used to trap Soren and Rollin when they're being annoying. I was really excited about mental solitude, when I saw the price. Soren and Rollin laughed me out of the store. One day, I will confine them...

Um. Well I guess that's all. I got two awesome decorations and a lot of clothes today. Yay!


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"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw