Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crazy busy

I have been a very lazy blogger lately... Ok, not lazy so much as too busy not to update it. As you can probably discern from the title.

Back in my junior high/high school days, I wanted to do EVERYTHING. Softball, basketball, dancing, music, fencing, martial arts... You name it, I wanted to try it. Unfortunately, a 10-18 year old only has so much time to do after school activities and the only ones I was able to try were softball- which I'd played since I was 4 and really couldn't give up- and dance- which later messed up my knees. After I quit both of those things, I got involved with the church band and started teaching myself guitar.

But I digress.

The point is, for the past two years I haven't wanted to do much of anything. First, college kept me busy with classes, what little homework I actually did, and activities. I didn't have time to enter anything new or learn anything interesting. When I left college and had to move up here to West Texas, I was pretty depressed for the next year and didn't feel like doing anything.

Then, about three months ago, for no conceivable reason, I started wanting to do stuff again. It started with Japanese studying, then progressed to art, which has now led to Tae Kwon Do classes and piano lessons. These are all things I always wanted to learn, but never had the time because of school. Only working part-time has left me with a lot of opportunity to learn new things that I couldn't have learned in college (except Japanese, and the art classes weren't what I wanted).

So, for the first time in several years, I can honestly say I'm insanely busy and loving every minute of it. I just hope my brain can keep up with all the new information.

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"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw