Art Resources

Here is a compiled, appropriately updated list of the resources I've used in studying. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, there's something for everyone. And it never hurts to go back and re-study!

Image Tutorials:

Best tutorials:
Tutorial Portrait Painting by Italiener
- A more beginner-friendly portrait tutorial that includes reference to THE best brush pack on the web.
Digital Painting Tutorial by Dianae Ozdamar
- Includes skin, hair, eyes, and anything else you need to paint a character without reference. My Art Bible.
Hair Painting Tutorial by Dianae Ozdamar
- A more detailed look at hair painting

Other great tutorials:
Photoshop Coloring Tutorial by Leah Keeler
How To Make a Digital Painting by Norke
Digital Coloring Tutorial by Gold-Seven
Tutorial: Digital Paint in PS by Etoli
Tutorial: Painting Sky in PS by Foxbane
Drawing Clothes and Folds by Crysa
Fog Tutorial by SouxieVonRichter
PS Tutorial: Fog, Mist, Dust by Jade-Zero
Eye Tutorial by acidlullaby

Video Tutorials:

idrawgirls channel on YouTube
- My "sensei" draws more than just girls and is, in my opinion, the best in the business.
EclecticAsylumArt channel on YouTube
- The closest thing you can get to an art class without paying the tuition. Jason is incredible, and fun, too.
DianeOzdamar channel on YouTube
- Dianae's screencapture versions of her Digital Painting Tutorial. A great additional reference guide.
markcrilley channel on YouTube
- Chock full of awesome tutorials by mangaka/graphic novelist Mark Crilley. Great for beginning and intermediate.

Know of anything else? Let me know! I'm always looking for something new to help me out!
"You see things and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"

~ George Bernard Shaw